Letters and Documents Related to the Treason of Benedict Arnold and the Capture of British Spy Major John André
Revolutionary Westchester 250 (RW250) has produced and curated a special exhibit of documents and artifacts related to the discovery of Benedict Arnold’s treason. The exhibit—Treason of the Blackest Dye: The True Story of Arnold, André and Three Honest Militiamen—includes many original artifacts and documents. The handwritten documents are in 18th century script which may be challenging for modern readers. RW250 has transcribed the documents here to make them easier to read and appreciate.
Pass Found on Major John André, dated Sept. 22, 1780
Headquarters Robinson’s
House September 22nd 1780
Permit Mr. John Anderson to pass the guards to the White Plains or beyond if he chooses. He being on Public Business by my direction.
B. Arnold, M. Genl
Pass for Joshua Smith and John Anderson, dated Sept. 20, 1780
Head Quarters Robinson House September 20th 1780
Permission is given to Joshua Smith Esquire, a gentleman Mr. John Anderson who is with him and his two servants to pass and repass the guards near King’s Ferry at all times
B. Arnold M. Genl
Pass for Joshua Smith, 1780
Headquarters Robinsons house September 20th 1780
Permission is granted to Joshua Smith Esq. to go to Dobbs Ferry with three men and a boy in a boat with a flag to carry some letters of private nature for gentlemen in New York and to return immediately.
B Arnold M Genl
NB He has permission to go at such times as the tide and his business allows
B. A.
Pass for Joshua Smith, 1780
Headquarters Robinsons house September 22nd 1780
Joshua Smith Esq. has permission to pass with the boat and three hands and a flag to Dobb's ferry on public business and to return immediately.
B. Arnold M. Genl
Details on West Point’s Redoubts, circa 1780
Fort Arnold is built of dry fascines and wood in a ruinous condition. Incomplete, and subject to take fire, from shells or [cannons].
Fort Putnam stone wanting great repairs the wall on the East side broken down, and rebuilding in from the foundation as the West and South sides have been Chevaux de Frise on the West side broken in many places, the East side open, two bomb proofs and a provision magazine in the Fort, and a slight wooden barrack. A commanding piece of ground 500 yards west between the Ford and No. 4 or Rocky Hill.
Fort Webb built of the fascines and wood, a slight work very dry and liable to be set on fire as the approaches are very easy, without defense save a slight abattis.
Fort Wyllys built of stone 5 feet high the [works?] above plank filled with earth the stone works 15 feet [the?] earth 9 feet thick. No bomb proofs, the batteries without the fort.
Redoubt No. 1 on the S side wood 9 feet thick with W and north and east sides 4 feet thick, no cannons in the works, a slight and single abattis, no ditch or Picket, cannon on two batteries. No bomb proofs.
Redoubt No. 2 the same as No. 1 no bomb proofs
Redoubt No. 3, a slight woodworks 3 feet thick very dry no bomb proofs, a single abattis, the work easily set on fire. No cannons.
Redoubt No. 4, a wooden work about 10 feet high and four or five feet thick, the West side faced with a stone wall 8 feet high & four feet thick. No bomb proofs. Two five pounders, a slight abattis, a commanding piece of ground 500 yards [West?].
The North Redoubts on the East side built of stone 4 feet high, about the [Stone?] wood filled in with earth, very dry, no ditch, or bomb proof. Their batteries without the Fort, a poor abattis, a rising piece of ground 500 years S. The approaches under come to within 20 yards. The works easily fired with faggots dipped in pitch.
South redoubt much the same as the North. a commanding piece of ground 500 yards due east. 3 batteries within the fort.
Estimation of Forces at West Point, dated Sept. 19, 1780
Estimate of the Forces at W[est] Point and its dependences
Sep. 13th 1780
A Brigade of Masachusets Militia & two Regiments of Rank & file
New Hampshire Inclusion of 166 Batteaux Men at Verplanks & Stoney Points
On Command & Extra Services at Fish Kills New
Windsor etc. who may be called in [illegible]
3 Regiments of Connecticut Militia under the Comm[and]
of Colonel Wells on the lines near No[rth] Castle
a Detachment of New York Levies on the lines
Militia 2447
Colonel Lambs Regiment 167
Colonel Livingston at Verplank & Stony Pts 80 & Continental 247
Colonel Sheldons Dragoons on the lines,
about one half Mounted 142
Batteaux Men and Artificers 250
Total. 3,086
A List of the Number of Men Necessary for West Point, c1780
Estimate of the number of men necessary to man the works at West Point and the vicinity
Fort Arnold 620
Putnam 450
Wyllys 140
Webb 140
Redoubt No 1 150
Ditto 2. 150
Ditto 3. 120
Ditto 4. 100
Ditto 5. 130
Ditto 6. 110
Ditto 7. 75
North Redoubt 120
South Redoubt 130
Total 2430
Artillery Orders Found on Major John André, dated Sept. 5, 1780
F. West Point September 5th 1780.
Artillery Orders
The following disposition of the corps is to take place in case of an alarm/
Capt Dannills with his company at Fort Putnam and to detach an officer with 12 men to Wyllys’s redoubt, a non commissioned officers with three alterns to Webbs Redoubt, and the like number to Redoubt No 4.
Captain Thomas & Company to repair Fort Arnold.
Capt Simmons and company to remain at the North and South Redoubtss, at the East side of the river, until further orders.
Lieutenant Barber with 20 men of Capt. Jackson’s company will repair to Constitution Island; the remainder of the Company with Lieutenant Mason will repair to Fort Arnold.
Captain Lieutenant George and Lieutenant [Blake?] with 20 men of Capt Treadwills company will repair to Redoubt No. 1 & 2, the remaining of the company will be sent to Fort Arnold.
Lieutenant Jones's Company with Lieutenant Fish to repair to the South Battery.
The chain battery [sheburns?] Redoubt, and the Brass Field pieces will be manned from Fort Arnold as [quarters?] may require.
The company and conductor of military stores will in turn wait upon the Commanding Officer of Artillery for orders.
The artificers in the Garrison if agreeable to [former?] orders will repair to Fort Arnold, and then receive further orders from the Commanding Officer of Artillery.
J. Bouman, major commandant artillery
Return of Ordnance for West Point, 1780
Return of ordinances in the different Forts Batteries, etc at West Point and its defenses. September 5th 1780.
This chart gives information on the number of mortars, howitzers, cannons, and other weapons located at and around various points near West Point.
Addresses Found on Major John André, 1780
Elijah Hunter
Mr. I Johnson B R.
Mr. I Stewart to the Car of Joshua Smith Esq. to be left at Head Qrs.
Isaac Adams… 5..5..5..
Letter Written by Joshua Smith, dated Sept. 25, 1780
Robinson's house September 25th 1780
Dear Brother
I am here a prisoner, and am therefore unable to attend in person. I would be obliged to you if you would deliver to Captain Carns of Lee's dragoons a British uniform coat which you will find in one of the drawers in the room above stairs. I would be happy to see you remember me to your family.
I am affectionately yours
Joshua H Smith
Thomas Smith Esq.
Samuel Frost Orderly Book, Sept. 26, 1780
Treason of the blackest dye was yesterday discovered. General Arnold who commanded at West Point lost to every sentiment of honor of private and public obligations was about to deliver that important Fort into the hands of the enemy. Such as an event would have given the American cause a deadly wound, if not a fatal stab, happily this treason has been timely discovered to prevent the fatal misfortune. The providential train of circumstances which led to it, afford the more convincing proof that the liberation of America is the object…