Building Awareness and Appreciation
for Westchester’s Revolutionary War Era History

Declaration of Independence broadside, printed circa July 11, 1776 for the Provincial Congress of the State of New-York, meeting in White Plains. Courtesy of the Westchester County Archives.


We strive to build awareness and excitement for the events, places, ideas and people—both the unsung and the famous—of the Revolutionary War period in Westchester County.

We collaborate with local and regional groups—heritage and historic, art and cultural, and educational—as well as libraries, veterans’ organizations, municipalities, private businesses and others—to promote heritage tourism and to enhance the general pleasure and well being of Westchester residents.

We liaise with county, regional, state and national groups to plan and implement 250th Anniversary events and programs.

We organize, support and publicize events in Westchester and the lower Hudson Valley that relate to the story of the Revolutionary War period and the founding of the United States.

We are thrilled with the enthusiasm expressed by both families and history buffs who have joined us and are fully committed to grass roots local efforts and an engagement with the many diverse voices in Westchester County.

Free mobile audio tour

A free mobile audio tour of Revolutionary War sites in Westchester from RW250 and TravelStorys. Available in English and Spanish.

Westchester’s Revolutionary War Places

This presentation by RW250 President Constance Kehoe, highlights some of the Revolutionary War events that took place in Westchester—from the Battle of White Plains and the crucial vote that made the Declaration of Independence unanimous, to the capture of British spy Major John André with the plans for West Point in his boots. The focus is on local sites and the people whose actions here made a difference to the outcome of our war for independence.

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